FCRA Registration
The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 was enacted with a view to Regulate the acceptance and utilization of foreign contribution or foreign hospitality by certain individual associations or companies and Prohibit the acceptance and utilization of foreign hospitality or foreign contribution for any activities unfavourable to national interest and for matters related to therewith or incidental thereto.
Types of Registration under FCRA 2010
- Normal registration
- Prior permission
Eligibility Criteria
- Normal Registration: In order to be eligible for the normal registration, there are a few prerequisites:-
- The applicant must be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860
or the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or registered as Section 8 Company as per the Companies Act, 2013 or any such Act as may be required. - Must have made reasonable contributions by undertaking activities in its chosen field for the benefit of society.
- Must have spent a minimum of Rs. 10,00,000 in the last 3 years towards achieving its objectives (Excludes administrative expenditure).
- Must submit the copies of the financial statements of the last 3 years that are duly audited by qualified Chartered Accountants.
- If a newly registered entity likes to get foreign contributions, then an approval for a specific purpose, specific activity, and from a specific source can be made to the Ministry of Home Affairs via the Prior Permission (PP) method.
- Prior Permission Registration: The Prior Permission route is ideally suited for those organizations which are newly registered and would like to receive foreign contributions. This is granted for receipt of a specific amount from a specific donor for carrying out specific activities/projects.
The association must:-
- Be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or registered as Section 8 Company as per the Companies Act, 2013 or any such Act as may be required.
- Submit a specific commitment letter from the donor to the Ministry of Home Affairs which indicates:-
– Amount of contribution given
– Purpose for which it is proposed to be given - Where the Indian recipient organization and foreign donor organization have common members, the following conditions need to be met:-
– The Chief Functionary of the Indian organization can’t be part of the donor organization.
– At least 51% of the members/office-bearers of the governing body of the Indian recipient organization should not be employees/members of the foreign donor organization.
– Where the foreign donor is an individual:
1. He cannot be the Chief Functionary of the Indian organization.
2. At least 51% office bearers/members of the governing body of the recipient organization should not be the family members and close relatives of the donor.
Documents required for FCRA Registration.
- Registration Certificate of Association.
- Memorandum of Association/Trust Deed.
- Activity Report for the Last 3 Years.
- Audited Statement of accounts for the last three years.
- Section 12A Registration Certificate
Following Information is also required.
1. | Contact details of the association such as Address, e-mail ID, Website, Landline no. etc. | |
2. | Contact details of the Chief functionary such as mobile no. and mail id | |
3. | Registration details of the Organization such as date and place of registration, PAN etc. | |
4. | List of Main objects and definite programmes for which the contribution is to be accepted / utilised. | |
5. | Details of Key functionaries of the Association such as name, nationality, contact details, relationship with other key functionaries. | |
6. | If the association is having any parent or sister or subsidiary organisation which is registered under the FCRA then the registration number along with Ministry of Home Affairs file number should be mentioned. | |
7. | If the association has submitted any application earlier than its reference number should be mentioned. | |
8. | If the association has received any foreign contribution with or without the prior approval of the Central Government, then the detail should be given. | |
9. | Details of Designated Bank Account through which the foreign contribution shall be received. | |
10. | Details of Utilization Bank Account through which the foreign contribution would be utilized, if any. The scanned image of signature of Chief Functionary and image of Seal of the Association which are saved in JPG/JPEG format are also required to be uploaded: | |
11. | Pan Card,Adhar Card, Mobile Number, Email Ids and occupation of Trustees | |
12. | Whether any key functionary is convicted for any offence? | |
13. | Any History of FCRA Registration? | |
14. | Do you have NGO – Darpan ID? If Yes, Please provide Unique ID of the same. |