Section 8 Company
Section-8 Company is incorporated under the companies act 2013. The main objective of section 8
company is to promote the fields of Commerce, Art, Science, Research etc. The main purpose of
section-8 company is to incorporate as an NGO. The minimum paid up share capital is not required to
form a section-8 company.
Documents Required for the Incorporation of Section-8 Company
- PAN Card
- Photograph
- Address proof- It can be either of the following
- Passport
- Voter Id Card
- Driving License
- Electricity Bill
- Telephone Bill
- Aadhaar Card
- Residential Proof- It can be either of the following
- Bank Statement
- Electricity Bill
- Telephone Bill
- Mobile Bill
- Email Id and Phone Number of the directors.
- Registered document of the title of the premises of the registered office in the name of the company or
- The notarized copy of the Lease/rent agreement in the name of the company
- In case of property is owned by the company then the NOC is required.